Camping Alone: Day 1 Posted by Midkifftravels2017 on May 30, 2017 in Daily Journal

Two Days at Camp Alone

Josh left for Columbus this morning, around 7am, for work. He is gone until Tuesday night. I wasn’t really sure how being out here alone was going to go at first, but I think I am managing just fine. It has been incredibly weird not talking to anyone all day. It is so unusually quiet. After about an hour of worrying I was going to be bored and lonely, I actually decided to do something.

The Seat of the Soul

Before moving out here, I never made the time to read. Josh has so many books he has recommended to me, so I picked one up and headed for my hammock. I decided on The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav. It is a wonderfully simple, yet thought provoking read. It explores the idea of the human race evolving past the realm of the physical, and moving towards a state of authentic empowerment.

I am not in complete agreement with all of the ideas discussed in the book s far, but I have really enjoyed exploring things I hadn’t thought of before. The book distinguishes the “personality” from the “soul”. The personality being the physical incarnation of the soul into a body for the purpose of healing. The soul is described as being outside of the constraints of time, and it exists in many physical beings through the process of reincarnation.

The idea of reverence, having a true sense of honor towards Life, was a really great way to explore the constructs of “good and evil”. From what I have read so far (about half), I would highly recommend it. Even if the ideas don’t align with your beliefs, it is a very compelling read.


In the past, when I have been camping, someone has always been around to start the fire and cook for me. That all changed today. I was in charge of building my first ever campfire. It is way more difficult than I imagined. It took me about a half hour to get it stable enough to start cooking. You can read more about campfire cooking here. Since I was tending to the fire so frequently, I decided to cook something simple. I made spaghetti and some tea. A successful meal over a campfire! I was pretty proud of this small achievement.


At around 3pm, I decided to take Hailey on a hike with me. She always has so much energy. I wanted to make sure she was well worn out by bed time. We hiked about a mile. I cannot take her too far because she is still very young. We mostly walked on the roads, trying to avoid OHV trails. I’m not sure that walking along those would be very safe.

hiking alone

We did eventually find a trail for foot traffic. We headed down that path a ways, then stopped for water and a snack. She loves sprinting around in circles and running back and forth, so it made keeping up with her a little difficult, but we managed just fine. By the time we made it back, she was entirely exhausted. She is currently napping on the ground at my feet.

hiking alone

My Plans for the Evening

I usually head into the tent around 8:30, when it gets dark, to avoid the swarm of mosquitos that emerges. I still have some dishes to do from lunch so that I can cook dinner tonight. By the time I get dinner done and everything cleaned up, it will most likely be getting dark. Hailey and I will probably go on a short walk before bed. (Hyper puppy in a tent=Craziness) I will try and get a little work done before bed, but will probably hit the hay around 10.

One More Day

I have one more day before Josh comes home, which I will most likely spend reading and painting. I am a bit nervous to sleep out in the woods alone, but there isn’t anyone out here so I’m not exactly sure what I’m afraid of. Hailey has been wonderful company and I am so grateful to have her with me. I will always have an adventure buddy, even when Josh is away!